Series of webinars “Intelligenza artificiale. Tra diritto, tecnica e società”

November 5, 2020

BILL is pleased to invite you at the series of webinars Intelligenza artificiale. Tra diritto, tecnica e società which will be focused on the implications of Artificial Intelligence from a multisided perspective as represented in the book edited by Professor Ugo Ruffolo Intelligenza artificiale – Il diritto, i diritti, l’etica. Each webinar will analyse a different topic of Artificial Intelligence:

  1. Intelligenza artificiale e impresa, november 5th 2020, 17:00
  2. Intelligenza artificiale tra diritto ed etica, november 2020 12th, 17:00
  3. Intelligenza artificiale e responsabilità civile, november 2020 19th, 17:00

Click here for the registration at the 1st webinar.

