Andrea Giulia Monteleone, LL.B. with honors (LUISS University, 2014), LL.M. (University of Turin and WIPO Academy – ITC, 2016), is a PhD candidate in “Law and Business” at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome (2016-2020). She has been visiting Ph.D. candidate at Centre d’ Études et de recherche en Droit de l’Immatériel (Paris, 2018) and at Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Munich, 2019) as well as a visiting student at Fordham University (New York, 2013) and University of East Anglia (Norwich, 2011). She also attended the CopyrightX course, offered under the auspices of Harvard Law School and Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. Her main areas of research interest involve copyright law, intellectual property law, media, data protection and new technologies regulation more in general. Within these fields, she authored publications in Italian and foreign reviews, presenting her researches in national and international conferences (XXVIII FIDE Congress 2018, Estoril, Portugal; Neues Forum Grundlagen, Lucern, Switzerland; New Technologies and Challenges to the Existing Intellectual Property System, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy; Il trasferimento dei dati personali all’estero, AIGI, Rome, Italy; IP Transnational Seminar, Universidad de Alicante, Spain). During the ATRIP 38th Annual Congress, she won the prize for Young Scholars and Early Career Track. Andrea Giulia is a lawyer and she has also collaborated with the Digital rights office of the Italian communications Authority. She is currently enrolled in the Blue Book Program at the European Commission working in the Audivisual and Media Policy Office.